MVHR systems provide a number of benefits and ease the burden of maintaining a mould free home, there are many kinds of MVHR systems available, but can you design your own MVHR system?
With new buildings being made to be as energy efficient as possible, and the UK aiming for 95% of its electricity usage to be low carbon by 2030, it is imperative to understand how we can make the most of our ventilation. This is where MVHR units come in.
To prevent mould, fresh air should constantly be introduced into your dwelling daily, as it helps to regulate temperature and reduce condensation. Introducing fresh air can be as simple as having a ventilation routine, or installing extractors or MVHR units. Almost all of this is facilitated by ducting.
I-Sells is here to provide the answers you need whilst also supplying you with all the information you need to combat mould and have a well-ventilated home.
What does MVHR stand for?
MVHR is a term used in the HVAC industry, MVHR stands for ‘Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery’. This is the technical term for what is generally known as heat recovery units, or heat recovery systems.
Heat recovery systems provide all the benefits of regular ventilation with the unique addition of being able to retain heat that would have been lost with regular ventilation. Heat recovery systems can come in single or multi-room applications.
Are there any advantages of MVHR?
Yes, there are many advantages of a MVHR system, the key advantage is its ability to retain warmth without contributing to humidity. This saves money that could be spent heating your home, whilst helping to prevent the environment that mould thrives in.
The aim of a heat recovery system, aside from recovering any heat that is lost through ventilation, is to create an environment in which condensation, and consequently mould, can’t survive.
The advantages of heat recovery systems are the following:
- Holds all the benefits of an extractor, including the removal of stale air, humidity and smells.
- It helps to prevent the cultivation of mould through the removal of humidity.
- Temperature sensors ensure that additional heat is not being added to the atmosphere of the home if it is already hot.
- Heat recovery systems take a lot of the burden from you conducting a ventilation routine. This is ideal for a vulnerable person.
- Less of a need to use your central heating frequently as the heat generated through your house is recycled through the heat recovery unit.
- The reduced use of heating as a result of the heat conservation granted by a heat recovery unit can help you save on energy bills.
Is there a disadvantage to MVHR?
Not exactly, though if you are already short on space, having an MVHR unit can take up more space than you are able to give. However, some models have more than one way to set up, some of these set-ups are specifically made to give you more space.
Which rooms require MVHR the most?
As everybody has different homes, there are different factors at play that can affect which room requires MVHR the most. However, generally the kitchen and bathrooms of a home require ventilation, due to the steam that is created through cooking and bathing respectively.
Other rooms that may require MVHR more than others are ones where condensation occurs easily, or rooms that have lots of electronics operating, which have a by-product of heat, which can become condensation if you aren’t careful.
Can you design your own MVHR?

In theory, yes, you can design your own MVHR system. However, having a comprehensive understanding of ducting, ventilation, heat recovery, heat distribution, electrical wiring, and so much more will make this a less daunting process.
In addition, if you are the kind of person to do some DIY, having your own workstation that has the necessary safety features installed will also expedite the process of designing your own MVHR.
Thankfully, we all don’t need to design our own MVHR systems in order to obtain the benefits of one. As the UK’s leading ducting and ventilation provider, I-Sells provides the best in MVHR systems. You can browse them here.
Why would I need to design my own MVHR system?
Designing your own MVHR system may come from the necessity of wanting an improved system, it could also be as a result of being enthusiastic about MVHR systems. There is no need to design your own MVHR system if you don’t want to.
What is the difference between a MVHR unit, and air conditioning?
Air conditioning does not require ventilation to operate, air conditioning simply extracts the air within its vicinity, and expels it after running it through a heating or cooling mechanism depending on your needs.
On the other hand, MVHR units require ventilation in order to work, as they extract indoor air, to the outside whilst keeping the heat from the indoor air. At the same time, the unit also obtains fresh outdoor air and mixes it with the heat that was extracted from the indoor air.
This simultaneous process allows for fresh air without a compromise in temperature, in addition to preventing the environment required for mould to live.
Can I use MVHR in the summer?

Yes, most, if not all MVHR systems have a summer bypass feature, which prevents the heat recovery aspect of the system to come into play when the average temperature has exceeded a certain amount.
What this means is that you will get the benefits of the MVHR system without compromising the comfortability of your home. Because the last thing you want on a very hot day, is more heat.
Will MVHR affect my fireplace?
No, traditional fireplaces let the smoke and toxins out through the chimney of your home, whilst electrical fireplaces distribute hot air. Unless the ventilation of the MVHR is shared with either of these systems (which they are never) your fireplace will not affect the output of the MVHR system.
Are there any alternatives to MVHR systems?
In terms of mechanisms, there are little to no alternatives that provide the same level of help that a MVHR system can. However, there are non-mechanical options that could help ventilation issues in your home.
If you’re losing too much heat, you should…
- Check whether you need to replace your insulation.
- Invest in double or triple glazing windows.
- Ensure your front and back door has no drafts passing through them.
- Check the walls of your home for any large cracks or drafts.
If your home is too humid, you should…
- Consider employing a basic ventilation routine daily.
- Open windows when cooking/showering
- Keep fluffy items out of rooms such as bathrooms or kitchens, as moisture can catch onto these surfaces.
- Use your central heating at specific times, such as when you wake up, when you arrive home from work, and before you go to bed.
Order a MVHR system today

We at I-Sells endeavour to ensure our customers have all the information they require before investing in our mould solutions. Be sure to visit our blog page to learn about the vast array of factors and issues surrounding ventilation, mould, condensation, and much more.
We hope to have answered the question ‘Can you design your own MVHR?’
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