MVHR is a term that may leave some people confused, but not to worry, we are going to explain everything you need to know about this term! In this blog, we will answer the question ‘What is MVHR and what does it stand for?’
With new buildings being made to be as energy efficient as possible, and the UK aiming for 95% of its electricity usage to be low carbon by 2030 it is imperative to understand how we can make the most of our ventilation, This is where heat recovery systems come in.
To prevent mould, fresh air should constantly be introduced into your dwelling daily, as it helps to regulate temperature and reduce condensation. Introducing fresh air can be as simple as having a ventilation routine, or installing extractors or heat recovery systems. Almost all of this is facilitated by ducting.
I-Sells is here to provide the answers you need whilst also supplying you with all the information you need to combat mould and have a well-ventilated home.
Why is ventilation important?
I-Sells deals with all things relevant to ventilation, from ventilation units, to the pipes you need for these units, and everything in-between, but why is ventilation so important to us?
Adequate ventilation is a critical factor in ensuring mould does not appear in your home or building. Mould has a variety of effects on people and is difficult to get rid of once it arrives. We are very aware of the damage mould can have, not only on your physical health, but your mental health too. It’s an eyesore that can deeply affect all those in its vicinity.
Can I ventilate without using anything?
Yes, you can ventilate your home naturally without using any technology. It’s as simple as opening all of your windows for around 20 minutes on a daily basis. Please understand that this method is not going to destroy mould that is already there, or necessarily prevent it from forming, but it’s the only option to take when opting to ventilate naturally.
This method helps to remove stale air and replace it with fresh outdoor air, having all the windows open creates an airflow within the home. It’s good practice to use this method even if you have ventilation at your home.
What is MVHR and what does it stand for?

MVHR stands for ‘Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery’ This is essentially the technical term for the heat recovery units that we supply. They are often known as heat recovery systems.
Heat recovery systems can come in single or multi-room applications and provide all the benefits of ventilation with the added benefit of retaining the heat that would otherwise be lost in a regular ventilation unit.
The advantage of this is retaining warmth without the humidity. Retaining warmth can also contribute to saving money that would otherwise have been spent heating your home through your central heating.
Heat recovery systems explained
A heat recovery system has the benefit of keeping your home energy efficient and warm, whilst maintaining ventilation. Heat recovery systems vary in size, some can be made just for a singular room, whilst others are made for your whole home.
The aim of a heat recovery system, aside from recovering any heat that is lost through ventilation, is to create an environment in which condensation, and consequently mould can’t survive in.
The advantages of heat recovery systems are the following:
- Holds all the benefits of an extractor, including the removal of stale air, humidity and smells.
- It helps to prevent the cultivation of mould through the removal of humidity.
- Temperature sensors ensure that additional heat is not being added to the atmosphere of the home if it is already hot.
- Heat recovery systems take a lot of the burden from you conducting a ventilation routine. This is ideal for a vulnerable person.
- Less of a need to use your central heating frequently as the heat generated through your house is recycled through the heat recovery unit.
- The reduced use of heating as a result of the heat conservation granted by a heat recovery unit can help you save on energy bills.
Do MVHR systems kill mould?

No, MVHR systems do not directly destroy mould, if you already have mould in your home, having a heat recovery system will not make it disappear, you must address it by removing it, this can be done through mould removal products / addressing the cause of the mould.
That being said, heat recovery systems serve to prevent the environment necessary for mould to grow. Although it can’t kill mould, it can make sure the environment is not habitable for it.
Can I remove mould without a heat recovery system?
Yes, as we have highlighted earlier, heat recovery systems can change the environment that mould thrives on, it does not get rid of mould that is already there. Here are some options for mould removal.
Option 1: Natural Solutions
If you are looking for natural alternatives to get rid of mould, try using distilled white vinegar, the acidic properties in the vinegar helps to dissolve the mould. (This method may prove to be ineffective against a large collection of mould, so don’t rely on this method entirely.)
If there are noticeable and effective results, repeat until it is completely gone. If it fails, this means that the mould is penetrated deeper than surface level, if mould control solutions don’t make an improvement, it is best to call local mould cleaning services.
Option 2: Products
Mould removal products have special substances that prevent mould from coming back (depending on the severity) This is definitely worth a try especially if natural solutions didn’t work
What’s the difference between MVHR and an extractor fan?
MVHR and extractor fans are almost the same except for one aspect. As we know, MVHR stands for ‘Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery’ put simply, extractor fans are just mechanical ventilation without the heat recovery.
In terms of function and capabilities, an MVHR system wins, but if you aren’t after a system that recycles heat, then an extractor fan is just as good. In addition to this, some MVHR units can be set so that they don’t recover the heat that is extracted.
Either option you choose, you can expect the room it is in to be free from humidity, smells and stale air.
Does MVHR and Extractor fan kill mould?
No, as mentioned before, neither of these options directly kill mould, in the way a surface cleanser would.
However, they create an environment in which mould can not thrive. If you already have mould in your home, these systems won’t make them disappear, but with treatment, and usage of the units, once the mould is removed from treatment, it is unlikely to return.
Purchase a heat recovery system today

We at I-Sells endeavour to ensure our customers have all the information they need before investing in our mould solutions. Be sure to visit our blog page to learn about the vast array of factors and issues surrounding ventilation, mould, condensation, and much more.
We hope to have answered the question ‘What is MVHR and what does it stand for?’
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